Classifying Tank – Washing and Classifying Sand

This operation is mining a heavily clay laden deposit. The plant is set up to take a pump or dredge feed, in addition to accepting a dry feed.

It consists of a 48′ X 12′ Three Valve Eleven Station Tank, being fed by two 30″ Cyclones. The cyclones are used to assist in silt removal. The Classifying Tank discharges to one 54″ Double Screw (shown, on this side of the plant) and one 48″ Single Screw (obscured, on the opposite side of the plant).

A wide variety of sand gradings can be produced. Although, Concrete Sand is the main product. Silt is removed at each stage, the result is a clean washed sand, in specification.

The sand is washed, classified and reblended in a simple effective operation.